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The Case Against Socialism Roy Pitchford
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The Case Against Socialism, written in the early 20th century in England, is a plain-English argument which discusses the fallacies of Socialism, shares a variety of definitions of Socialism (from socialists themselves) and delves into the various impacts Socialism has on society. For example, in chapter 6: Socialism and the Family, we find the following: "The very first conception of a Socialistic State is such a relation of the sexes as shall prevent men and women from falling into selfish family groups. Family life is eternally at war with Socialistic life. When you have a private household you must have private property to feed it, hence a community of goods; the first idea of a Soc ...
The VIR Dois G. Tatum
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Tatum, a former U.S. Intelligence officer brings a stark reality to the forefront with this startling new revelation. Wuhan China - An experiment gone awry released a deadly virus on the inhabitants of Wuhan China. Two test subjects injected with the modified Sars 2 virus were released from the Wuhan University Hospital with no symptoms 10 days following the introduction of this virus into their bodies. Three days later both subjects returned to the Wuhan University Hospital (a Duke University Affiliate) symptomatic. An immediate cover-up by Chinese officials allowed the virus to spread worldwide. Government officials around the world, realizing the impact of such a release, mapped ou ...
The Zeitgeist Movement Defined TZM Lecture Team
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781495303197
The Zeitgeist Movement Defined is the official, representative text of the global, non-profit sustainability advocacy organization known as The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM). This tediously sourced and highly detailed work argues for a large-scale change in human culture, specifically in the context of economic practice. The dominant theme is that the current socioeconomic system governing the world at this time has severe structural flaws, born out of primitive economic and sociological assumptions originating in our early history, where the inherent severity of these flaws went largely unnoticed. However, in the early 21st century, these problems have risen prominently, taking the conseq ...
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 7" x 10"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Growing up in a socialist country, I consider freedom to be the most precious gift from GOD. Freedom does not mean lawlessness and destruction, but creativity, growth, expansion and thriving unrestricted in time and space. Saying that, we must protect freedom, fight for it and preserve it for our children and their children. At this critical times for our nation America needs Trump to take us out of the ditch of destruction and bring us back on the right path to prosperity. Long Book Description I have been born and raised in Bulgaria which is neighboring country of former Yugoslavia. Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, both were five centuries under Ottoman Empire slave ...

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